Bagi mereka yang tak merasakan badai krisis ekonomi global dan sudah bosan menggunakan anting-anting berlian, ada sebuah perusahaan Jepang meluncurkan produk telepon seluler (handphone) yang dilapisi berlian. Jepang adalah pasar terbesar dunia untuk barang-barang mewah dan hampir setiap orang memiliki handphone. Fakta ini membuat banyak perusahaan fashion style mencoba merambah ke pasar telekomunikasi. Harganya pun berkisar antara Rp. 50 juta - Rp. 125 juta.. Busyeeeeet.. Hape aja ampe segitu harganya. Kalau Rp.125 juta dibeliin es cendol kira-kira dapet berapa gelas ya?? Hehehehe...
Ponsel berlapis berlian
31 October 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008 | Label: Handphone | 24 Comments
Your Favorite Channels on DirecTV
30 October 2008
Regular TV programs do not allow you to have total control on their shows. You just have to accept whether you like it or not with limited options of channel that you might find it boring. If this problem is one of your concerns to, why don't you consider satellite TV that will provide you total control on it?
Direct TV is a company who provides digital satellite network system offering you over than 265 channels you can enjoy available in great packages and services to address the different needs of the customers, including you. As you can see at, you can choose as you like whether if you want to focus on family channels, music or sport.
The directtv expert staff of customer service and sales representatives will help you to determine the best system to ensure you take the maximum advantage from every package available. Directv allows you to choose and watch any channel you want as your desire. The HDTV and DVR addition will support you in experiencing total control in watching and receiving your favorite shows. It is the first national system with interactive on-screen program guide and pay per view ordering by remote control.
Thursday, October 30, 2008 | Label: Direct TV | 7 Comments
Trustworthy Credit Repair Center
29 October 2008
Most of people, may be include you admit that they ever had bad experience in manage their credit. They have to pay their kind of loans, interests who did not expected before. Hence, they became turned down and their credit became main reason of going frustration and nuts. But, part of them can go on and on although they have the same experience with you.
In, you can get relief and will not be frustrated because it is one stop credit repair online place. This site will help you to save time, money, and far from credit dispute by manage and finish all of your credit problems. Moreover, this site provides tutorial about how to improve credit score so that you can know and understand about the strategy to improve credit of yours. also offers you with plenty of benefits if you join into it, such as: finish your approved home loan credit, vehicle credit, and so on. There also several testimonial that written by previous customers. The customers said that they really get and felt the service from the website and most of them will be back to use this site as their partner in manage their credit.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 | Label: Credit Repair, Improve Credit | 5 Comments
Soempah Pemoeda
28 October 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 | Label: Sumpah Pemuda | 18 Comments
Explanation about web hosting
If you want to know the way to get a managed hosting, just browse for the It will be completely explained in the site page about the three kinds of management levels. They are full management, standard management, and self management. In full management, a managed host will take care for you things like administering, or updating the website. In standard management, the host will hold only several things for you. While in the self management, you will have to do all by yourself.
The managed hosting is a popular web hosting nowadays. At the we are able to find anything related to it and learn more about web hosting tutorial. There are also explanations about how to find the right control panel software like cPanel, H-sphere, Plesk. It also explained in the page, that there are four kinds of web hosts. They are shared hosting, dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, and reseller hosting. About the reseller hosting is explained quite complete at the page including the advantages and the disadvantages of using such web hosting.
The site also ranks the top 10 web hosting companies based on the consumer satisfaction. And it gives the awards to the qualified web host.Tuesday, October 28, 2008 | Label: Web Hosting | 9 Comments
Momok jarum suntik
27 October 2008
Mendengar berita di televisi dan koran-koran, bahwa beredar mainan anak-anak yang berbentuk jarum suntik yang dijual oleh pedagang mainan keliling yang biasanya suka nongkrong di depan-depan sekolah. Mereka biasanya menyasar sekolah-sekolah dasar yang notabene nya adalah anak-anak. Mainan itu dijual dengan harga Rp.500 yang tujuannya agar anak-anak sekolahan (khususnya SD), mudah untuk membelinya karena harganya terjangkau. Anda bisa bayangkan bahwa jarum suntik tersebut berasal dari Limbah Rumah Sakit yang dengan gampang diperoleh dan didaur ulang menjadi mainan, atau bahkan dijual kembali di apotek? Higienis atau tidaknya, itu menjadi urusan no.2. Masalahnya adalah, jika saja jarum suntik bekas tersebut tercemar penyakit mematikan, bagaimana nasib anak-anak yang menjadi korban pedagang mainan jarum suntik tersebut? Hanya dengan Rp.500, masa depan anak-anak kita terancam penyakit mematikan.. iihhh..kok dunia ini semakin pelik ya? Begitu jahat caranya mereka untuk mencari penghasilan. Menjual penyakit berbahaya bahkan mematikan hanya dengan Rp.500. Saya jadi ragu akan kualitas jarum suntik yang dijual di Rumah Sakit maupun di Apotek. Higienis atau nggak ya?? Ngeriiiii dehhh... saya hanya berdoa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, agar orang-orang biadab tersebut yang mati dimakan salah satu penyakit berbahaya. Bahkan bila perlu, 7 turunan sekalian..
Monday, October 27, 2008 | Label: Jarum suntik, Mainan jarum suntik | 8 Comments
Create your own homepage
A homepage is places where you can compile the information about yourself. It includes the pictures and other various facts of you. And then simply put it in internet in order to make another people are able to see it. It is another way of self marketing as well. So, if you wish to make your own homepage, just click the There you will be guided to a simple yet easy way to Personalize Google.
It offers you to make the homepage with its own category of homepage styles from like celebrities, natures, space, or animals. Just click the style that you want, and then you will be directed to the fascinating homepage of yours.
You find no interest in using the Groovle custom made homepage and have a great pictures of your own? Fine. But make sure that it is in jpg, gif or, Png file then upload it. Other format of picture file will not be able to be uploaded. In addition, the file must be 1,5 MB big in size. Bigger than that, you may not try to upload it. So, what is the use of waiting? Create your homepage, and let the world see and adore it.
Monday, October 27, 2008 | Label: Personalize Google | 2 Comments
Batman idolaku
Seingat saya, ketika saya berumur sekitar 8 tahun, saya mulai mengenal film BATMAN dari sebuah stasiun TV (waktu itu cuma ada TVRI doang). BATMAN dikenal sebagai sosok hero yang sangat digandrungi oleh anak-anak pada waktu itu. Filmnya pun dibuat sederhana mengingat waktu saya kecil dulu, teknologi belum sehebat sekarang. Berbicara masalah film BATMAN, saya heran kenapa film BATMAN bukan lagi menjadi tontonan anak-anak seperti pada usia saya 17 tahun yang lalu? Justru film BATMAN ini dominan ditonton oleh anak-anak dewasa, bahkan orang tua pun ikut berbondong-bondong untuk menonton film ini di bioskop. Memang setelah saya tonton beberapa seri dari film BATMAN ini, saya sangat menikmati ceritanya dan membuat penasaran ketika sedang menonton film BATMAN. Malahan saya nunggu-nunggu seri BATMAN yang lainnya. Kapan ya?? Kita tunggu saja..
Apakah kalian menyukai film BATMAN??
Ditunggu komentarnya ya??
Monday, October 27, 2008 | Label: BATMAN | 6 Comments
Order only at
26 October 2008
Modern bedroom furniture from best Italian and European designers is available at I am sure you will be surprise if you open this website. In this website you can see lots and even hundred collections of bedroom furniture that will be fit with your room style. You can just open the website now and directly you can find adorable modern bedroom design.
We are now living in the modern life so I think it will be great if we have also modern furniture that will fit with our life style. Modern and contemporary is the best one for completing our house furniture. With that style we can get both luxury and function. It is very possible if we only buy it in this website.
This website is the best that you can have to buy both modern and contemporary bedroom furniture. Just take a look more inside this website and I am sure you will be very happy. With the easy payment system, and cheap price you can have the best contemporary bedroom for your home. This website will also give you free shipping service if you order now and for your next order. Just open the website now, see their collections and order it now.
Sunday, October 26, 2008 | Label: Bedroom Furniture | 7 Comments
Dunia semakin panas
"Kenapa dunia'ku?
Panas'mu bagaikan kobaran api yang tak henti..
Betapa tidak aku merasakan kesejukan di pagi hari..
Betapa gerah ragaku menyambut malam..
Di mana kesejukan itu?
Hanya ada PANAS disekeliling.."
Wadduuhhhh.. duniaku PANAS.. Aku dibuat seakan-akan tidak tenang untuk beraktivitas. Kapan yang namanya GLOBAL WARMING ini berakhir?? Kalau panas begini, rasanya pengen berendam di kolam es.. Coba kalian bayangkan, suhu di BALI mencapai 39 derajat celcius boowwkkkk.. Denger-denger di SURABAYA malah sampai 45 derajat, apa ga ngeri tuh??? Seakan-akan bumi mau terbakar. Seakan-akan matahari itu semakin dekat jaraknya dengan bumi. Panasnya yang aku rasakan begitu terik dan menyengat kulit. Apalagi ditambah dengan aktivitasku yang kebanyakan di jalanan (yang jelas bukan anak jalanan), waduhhhh... mana tahaaaan.. Kenapa dunia'ku??
Sunday, October 26, 2008 | Label: Global Warming, Panas, Pemanasan Global | 6 Comments
Debt Consolidation Firm
24 October 2008
Since the needs of human being are always increasing, sometimes the money we have in our wallet is not enough to pay all the expenses we make in one month. For some people, they will find other part time job to make extra money, but this is only works for those who have plenty of spare time. For people who do not have enough spare time, they will choose to borrow for some money.
Borrowing money for some people is the best escaping from their bad financial condition, and yes it works. To have loan can improve your financial condition but only in short time. Besides it is not really improving, but just temporary safes your financial conditions and some people do not understand this. So people will tend to make another loan and another loan.
If this happen you will finally realize that you don't have enough money when the bill delivered to your address. But if this is already happened you can have the service of debt consolidation firm. Debt consolidation will loan you amount of money to repay all of your debts but with lower rate of interest and no collateral. One of the debt consolidation firms is Debt Free 24 in its website
Friday, October 24, 2008 | Label: Debt Free 24 | 1 Comments
Kebakaran di RSUP Pertamina
Kebakaran telah terjadi di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Pertamina pada hari Kamis 23 Oktober 2008 pukul 13.13 WIB. Dari data korban yang dapat dihimpun sejak kemarin, terdapat ratusan korban jiwa yang kebanyakan pasien dari Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Pertamina. Data-data korban sampai sejauh ini adalah sebagai berikut :
- 487 Pasien KORUPTOR yang sakit menjelang sidang, tewas dengan luka bakar 100% (gosong tanpa sisa)
- 271 Pasien KASUS SUAP yang juga sakit menjelang sidang, tewas dengan luka bakar 80% (gosong)
- 174 Pasien KASUS PENIPUAN yang pura-pura sakit, tewas dengan luka bakar 50% (setengah matang)
- Terakhir, 127 Pasien KASUS PEMBABATAN HUTAN yang terkena serangan jantung pada saat sidang, sekarat dan sedang dalam proses kematian akibat dilalap si jago merah.
Friday, October 24, 2008 | Label: Kebakaran, Koruptor, RSUP Pertamina | 13 Comments
Ke Warnet?? Ngapain sich??
Kebutuhan akan internet sudah menjadi hal yang biasa bagi manusia. Internet bagaikan supermarket yang menyediakan seluruh kebutuhan pokok manusia. Apapun yang kita cari, pasti selalu ada di internet.. Segala informasi selalu hadir dengan adanya fasilitas internet. Kalau kita boleh tau sedikit, apa sih yang kita cari di internet??? Kalau kita pakai perbandingan 100 orang yang melakukan aktivitas di dunia internet, kira-kira mereka ngapain aja ya?? Mungkin dalam pikiran orang kebanyakan, internet adalah sarang maksiat yang hanya menyediakan informasi perusak moral (bokep). Kebanyakan orang yang berhubungan dengan LUNA DUNIA MAYA selalu dinilai dengan hal-hal yang berbau porno.
"Ahhh..palingan loe ke warnet cuma nyari bokep khan???"
Yang salah siapa ya?? Orang yang ngomong begitu atau si maniak bokep?? Atau bahkan keberadaan internet itu sendiri?? Dari pertama aku kenal dengan yang namanya internet (kira-kira 10 tahun yang lalu) sampai sekarang masih aja ada yang berpikiran negatif tentang internet. Uuuhhh... capppee deeeehhh...
Nahhh..kebetulan aku punya warnet, lalu aku melakukan sedikit survei terhadap 100 orang yang kebetulan nge-net di warnetku. Hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut :
- 47 orang FRIENDSTER mania
- 17 orang suka maen GAME ONLINE dan MULTIPLAYER
- 11 orang suka chatting
- 9 orang suka mengais dollar di internet
- 7 orang suka download mp3
- 6 orang suka cari bahan untuk tugas/skripsi
- 3 maniak BOKEP
Friday, October 24, 2008 | Label: Aktivitas Internet, Bokep, Internet | 8 Comments
Buy Clothing for Woman
23 October 2008
A woman very like to dressing, they always want to look beautiful, each year the trend of fashion always develop, from time to time, for a man this is maybe not a big problem but for a woman this so important, and the most important from a cloth is that the clothe have to fit with the user, the design must be fit, so it can make the appearance looks more beautiful.
If you want toto buy clothing for woman, you can visit, at this site you can get the buying guide to buy cloth for woman, if you a man this site so useful when you will buy a cloth gift for your spouse, a men's sometime doesn't know the newest models.
At shopwiki site you can following the trend fashion, so you will not shame if you go to party, or a prom night, you also can shopping by the designer names, or if you want a special size, example if the size of your body too big, or too thin, you can find out at this site, or if you want to search any accessories like bag or other accessories, this site like a mall online that give all you want at one site.
Thursday, October 23, 2008 | Label: Clothing For Woman | 0 Comments
Divergensi sebagai indikator FOREX
Mencoba lahan bisnis baru membuat saya semangat untuk mengais dollar dari bisnis FOREX. Dengan modal seadanya, saya mulai bermain dengan api mata uang asing. Sebelum terjun langsung ke bisnis FOREX ini, saya mendapat banyak masukan dari pakar-pakar FOREX tentang bisnis FOREX. Saya mendapat suatu ilmu yang namanya teori divergensi sebagai pembanding dan prediksi valas. Teori ini sangat membantu saya untuk memulai bisnis FOREX dan meminimalis kerugian akibat nilai valas yang naik turun.
Contoh trade EUR/USD :
Jika Puncak (kurva atas/trade) berbanding terbalik dengan Puncak (kurva bawah/indicator), maka dapat dipastikan nilai valas EURO akan melemah terhadap nilai tukar USD. Maka hendaknya anda memasang short (sell) untuk EUR/USD.
Contoh trade EUR/USD :
Jika Lembah (kurva atas/trade) berbanding terbalik dengan Lembah (kurva bawah/indicator), maka dapat dipastikan nilai valas EURO akan menguat terhadap nilai tukar USD. Maka hendaknya anda memasang long (buy) untuk EUR/USD.
Saya sendiri bukan pakar tentang FOREX, saya hanya berbagi ilmu dan pengalaman bagi anda semua yang baru memulai bisnis FOREX. Dengan teori divergensi ini dapat membantu anda dalam memprediksi kapan suatu Valas itu akan melemah atau menguat. Mudah-mudahan dapat membantu bagi kalian yang ingin terjun ke dunia FOREX. Semoga sukses...
Thursday, October 23, 2008 | Label: Divergence, Divergensi, Forex | 4 Comments
Extra Credit Cards
Do you have credit cards? Or maybe have a plan to apply credit cards, if you want to apply new credit cards or add more credit cards you can visit, at this site you can apply many kind of credit cards, especially extra credit cards, with credit cards you can do many financial thing easily, no need to bring much cash on your wallet.
At ExtraCreditCards website, you can learn how to increase your credit score and how to lower your APR credit cards, at least there are 7 main credit cards that offered there, it is low APR credit cards, this is a good choice to save from high interest, Instant approval credit cards for you that need credit cards as soon as possible, Travel rewards credit cards for you that often go out to travelling, pre paid credit card, bad credit card, if you have a bad credit score this maybe a good optional, business credit cards for you that often doing business transaction, and student credit cards, this can help for student full their needs.
Having an credit cards have many advantage, sometimes we can get reward if we often using it, or maybe some point from the issuer so we can get a gift from the, credit cards also can give add capital for our business.
Thursday, October 23, 2008 | Label: Extra Credit Cards | 0 Comments
Akhirnya Paypal'ku Verified
22 October 2008
Udah berbulan - bulan Paypal'ku ga jelas bagaimana nasibnya.. Coz aku belum punya tujuan untuk membuat Paypal'ku verified. Tapi begitu aku mendapat job review, langsung aja tanpa pikir panjang aku menyulapnya menjadi Verify. Ini semua juga atas bantuan mas Putra Eka. Coz aku membeli VCC (Virtual Credit Card) melalui mas Putra Eka. Setelah transaksi deal, kemudian aku minta pengarahan dari mas Putra Eka bagaimana menggunakan VCC. Alhasil, dalam waktu kurang dari 5 menit, Paypal'ku jadi verify deh.. Thank u..
Bagi kalian yang ingin memesan VCC untuk membuat Paypal anda menjadi Verified, bisa langsung pesan di Atau hubungi saya melalui YM (milosomuch_2706). Harga Rp. 75.000 - Rp. 80.000. Pembayaran dapat melalui Rek. BCA. Informasi lebih lanjut bisa hubungi saya di e-mail atau di YM. Sukses...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 | Label: Paypal, VCC, Virtual Credit Card | 6 Comments
Cheap Web Hosting Provider
21 October 2008
Web hosting is the most current issue nowadays. Many people will seek for the best web hosting that allow them to manage their online website or space in Internet to increase and boost their business. It can very bad if you don't know anything about this web hosting. Web hosting is kind of service that provide you a space in Internet to place your website or anything. Then you can use your space for business. Better the space make your business better.
There are many company or individual service that offer the same product, which is web-hosting service. But you should not directly choose without any information. In this competitive world, finding the cheapest one is quite difficult. So now I bring you to the best website that can provide you only the best and cheap service of web hosting, which is
This website is only dedicated for you that very clever and competitive in finding partner for your business. Here you can find cheap web hosting providers that will help you with the same service as others. You don't have to be afraid about the manipulation of the information, because all informants are the customers that have used the service. Find out now the provider that fit for you.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 | Label: Cheap Web Hosting | 4 Comments
Info and Knowledge in Casino Game
Are you ready to play online casino? Well don't be too proud of yourself before you meet your opponents. Your opponents may have better skills than you. You have to prepare yourself with best knowledge and skill before you join the real casino game. If you want to learn some good knowledge and skill only from the master, then it is best you open some website such
This is the website that can show you all knowledge and skill that you need to have before you join casino game, especially when you want to go online. Playing online casino is lots more difficult than real casino. Here you cannot see your opponent and sometimes you don't know the tricks in it. With that reason it is better you come and see what inside
Your knowledge may differ you from your opponents. You can also find more reviews about some games that you may join. Information about the game may help you when you don't have enough experience in it. The website that I show you above can help you to pick the best online casino website that you want. You can read the reviews first then you decide after. The thing is learning and prepares yourself before you play.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 | Label: Casino Game | 1 Comments
Astro stop siaran???? What Happen??
Dari pertama ada Astro aku dah mulai jijik, pasalnya Astro mendedikasikan bahwa siaran English Premiere League cuma dapat dinikmati di Astro.. padahal dulu ada di Indovision (karena saya langganan Indovision). Hehehe.. masak saya mesti ganti ke Astro?? Untungnya hal itu saya urungkan karena hal teknis yang saya pikir suatu saat nanti Indovision pasti bakal menyiarkan kembali siaran Liga Inggris. Ehh.. taunya terdengar kabar bahwa dari pihak Astro melakukan kasus suap menyuap dengan seseorang yang duduk di KPPU (kayak anak kecil aja mesti disuapin). Komisi yang memantau persaingan usaha malah terlibat suap??
Apa-apaan ini?? Demi uang mereka berani mempertaruhkan martabatnya. Apalagi kasus tersebut mengenai hak siar Liga Inggris agar Astro menjadi hak siar tunggal.. Weeeekkkkkk... Kapok kalian.. kena batunya sekarang. Alasannya saya jijik karena mereka melakukannya dengan cara kotor. Berikut kutipan berita tentang pemberhentian siaran Astro :
Saluran televisi berbayar Astro, akhirnya menghentikan siarannya mulai Senin (20/10) ini pukul 00.00 WIB. Kini tiba saatnya bagi kami untuk pamit tidak siaran sampai pemberitahuan lebih lanjut. Mohon maaf, bukan kehendak kami untuk berpisah dengan Anda, keluarga Indonesia, sebut Astro dalam situsnya. Saluran televisi berbayar Astro sudah beroperasi di Indonesia selama dua tahun. Sebelumnya, saluran televisi itu juga pernah menghentikan siarannya akibat perselisihan aturan siaran dengan Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika. Namun, setelah beberapa lama, siaran Astro dapat dinikmati kembali oleh pelanggan (berbagai sumber). Semoga bisnis kotot seperti ini ga ada lagi di bumi ini, kalau udah begini, siapa yang mau disalahkan?? Semua ngaku bener.. Akhirnya pelanggan Astro itu sendiri yang ikut rugi.. Capeeeee deehhhh....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 | Label: Astro, Kasus Astro | 1 Comments
Skripsi Bikin Pusiiiiiiiing.....
20 October 2008
Wadduuuhhhh.. udah lama ga penah ngurus blog, sekalinya ngeliat om google ngasi Page Rank 3 nieh.. Hehehehe.. Katrok banget aku ya?? Udah lama update-an page rank, aku baru tau kalo blog'ku PR 3. Thank's buat om google.. Aku lagi ngerjain tugas yang paling penting dalam hidupku, kalian tau apa?? SKRIPSI bowwwkkkk.. Ga kelar-kelar niehhh. Hehehehe.. Aku pengen cepet-cepet kelar, tapi kok rasanya susah banget ya?? Aku minta maap buat temen-temen coz aku belum sempet mampir-mampir di blog kalian. Apabila tiba saatnya, aku pasti akan kembali ber-BLOG-ria bersama kalian semua.. Semoga kalian tidak melupakan'ku.. Doakan saya supaya selalu berhasil ya Guys and Girlzzzz....
Thank u....
Monday, October 20, 2008 | Label: Skripsi | 2 Comments