If you want to know the way to get a managed hosting, just browse for the webhostingrating.com. It will be completely explained in the site page about the three kinds of management levels. They are full management, standard management, and self management. In full management, a managed host will take care for you things like administering, or updating the website. In standard management, the host will hold only several things for you. While in the self management, you will have to do all by yourself.
The managed hosting is a popular web hosting nowadays. At the webhostingrating.com we are able to find anything related to it and learn more about web hosting tutorial. There are also explanations about how to find the right control panel software like cPanel, H-sphere, Plesk. It also explained in the page, that there are four kinds of web hosts. They are shared hosting, dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, and reseller hosting. About the reseller hosting is explained quite complete at the page including the advantages and the disadvantages of using such web hosting.
The site also ranks the top 10 web hosting companies based on the consumer satisfaction. And it gives the awards to the qualified web host.
9 comment:
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It's nice blog n link exchnged plis....
wah berbau $$$ nih postingan yg ini :D hehehe
wah mantap reviewnya :)
I am planning to get a hosting soon..hope it will turn out good. thanks for this information.
Sip tuh reviewnya, jadi pengin belajar cara mereview yang mantap nich .. hehehe biar dijaman krisis perbankan seperti skrng inipun $$$ tetap mengalir...
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