Download cheat Point blank auto Inject v.1.1, 18102010 upadate terbaru 18 Oktober 2010 ini khusus buat agan yang nyari cheat-chet point blank terbaru 18 okt 2010 bisa download dibawah. Coba saja gan cheat ini work 100%. Auto Inject v1.1 18 Oktober "Point Blank" buat para pecinta game point blank. Cekidot bekicot gan...mantap nih cheat digoreng...langsung aja digarap gan..
Catatan :
DLL Kompatibel dengan dotNet 3.5, winxp sp2, winxp sp3, win vista, win 7
Tested Work 100%. Sedotnya di sini ya... Password : No Pass
Cara penggunaan :
1. buka Injectornya
2. buka pb lauhcernya
3. pada saat loading Hs klik Tombol Inject
4. lalu muncul pesan
5. jika work terus ok dan ok
Tekan Hotkey sampai berbunyi beep:
Hotkey :
F11 - RPG Mode Hack
F12 - Misi Major
ctrl Kiri - weapon mode hack
ctrl kanan - wallshot ON
Maphack :
F1 = Port Caba
F2 = Redrock
F3 = Library
F4 = M Station
F5 = Midnight Zone
F6 = Uptown
F7 = Burning Hall
F8 = DSquad
F9 = Crackdown
F10 = Saint Mansion
Master Medal Hack:
Numpad 1 = Kartu pertama
Numpad 2 = Kartu kedua
Numpad 3 = Kartu ketiga
Numpad 4 = Kartu keempat
Numpad 5 = Kartu kelima
Numpad 6 = Kartu keenam
Numpad 7 = Kartu ketujuh
Numpad 8 = Kartu kedelapan
Numpad 9 = Kartu kesembilan
Numpad 10 = Kartu kesepuluh
Cheat Point Blank Auto Inject v.1.1, 18 Oktober 2010
18 October 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Cheat Misi Mayor,
Cheat PB,
Cheat PB Update,
Cheat Point Blank Terbaru,
Misi Mayor
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Cheat Misi Mayor
Cheat PB
Cheat PB Update
Cheat Point Blank Terbaru
Misi Mayor
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139 comment:
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izin dwonload..
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kunjungan pagi
happy blogging
ncie post
nice info
salam kenal
nice article
thxz infonya
happy blogging
salam kenal
thxz ya kawan
suwun mas....
slam knal....
kunjungan pagi
kunjungan pagi
thxz infonya
semangat di pagi hari
nais inpoh gan..
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haduh.. dah lama tu bos.. salam blogger.. ada yang baru ne cheatnya tanggal 2 des..
salam persahabatan
1 thanks for u info
good job bro …..
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Kerennn gan
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informasi yang penting, lumayan buat pengetahuan.
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thanks ya atas info na.......
good luck
wah kayanya seru nih,,
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Great Blogging, Thanks For Sharing.
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keren infonya, trims ya
thanks gan
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Wah kbetulan lagi nyari. . .ktemunya disini thanks
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Salam kenal
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